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Doctoral studies

Here you will find information about The Estonian Doctoral School activities.

The Estonian Doctoral School brings together doctoral students and their supervisors from all Estonian universities. Its events enable doctoral students to establish scientific contacts in their fields of specialisation and international cooperation, to gain interdisciplinary knowledge and to develop their general skills. In addition, doctoral students can apply for a short-term mobility grant.

Project “Cooperation between universities to promote doctoral studies” is co-funded by the European Union. The doctoral school was launched in January 2024, and the project end date is 31 August 2029.

The project will be implemented by the University of Tartu, with the Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonian Business School, Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University as partners.

Please find the full events calendar and information here: Estonian Doctoral School

Through the Estonian Doctoral School, you as Estonian Business School (EBS) doctoral students can apply for support for short-term mobility.

Please find detailed overview and application process here: Estonian Doctoral School mobility grants for EBS doctoral students

Application forms and documents for applying the Estonian Doctoral School Mobility Grant: