6. Accreditation of prior and experiential learning (APEL)
6.1 EBS recognises prior learning and work experience on the basis of individual assessment.
6.2 EBS recognises prior learning and work experience in completing Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral syllabi based on the principles set forth in the Standard of Higher Education. Recognising prior learning and work experience follows the established procedure in EBS.
6.3 The compatibility of prior learning with the learning outcomes of the syllabus, module(s) or subject(s) applied for is assessed. The suitability of contents and correspondence to the university level are assessed. Assessment criteria for APEL applications:
1) the prior experience and knowledge gained specified in the application are logically related to the contents and learning outcomes of the subject/module applied for
2) the knowledge gained from prior experience proves that all learning outcomes have been achieved
3) the application forms are correctly filled in and the added documents prove the achievement of all learning outcomes and are authentic
6.4 Upon recognising prior degree studies, the study volume of the first and second level of higher education must be 300 credits (ECTS) in total. The difference must be compensated where necessary, by adding either elective or optional subjects.
6.5 Degree studies completed at another institution of higher education are recognised on the basis of an academic transcript issued by the relevant institution of higher education.
6.6 Studies on the same level of education can be transferred as optional subjects only in the volume set forth by the curriculum.
6.7 Learners cannot apply for APEL for courses they have already registered for (except practical training) or for courses they have received a negative final grade for. An application that has received a negative assessment cannot be resubmitted without substantial additions.
6.8 Final theses defended and final examinations taken on the same level of education in other universities are not recognised as prior learning.
6.9 The recognition of degree studies is decided by the Head of the Office of Academic Affairs, who has the right to ask the learner to submit syllabi and, where necessary, involve the Head of the Academic Unit of the respective subject or the respective Head of Study Level in the recognition process.
6.10 The Office of Academic Affairs prepares a transfer record of recognising studies, which is approved by the Head of the Office of Academic Affairs. Studies are transferred as of the date of their completion.
6.11 Prior studies other than degree studies and work experience are assessed and recognised by a committee, which is formed by the decree of the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, who also acts as the Chairman of the committee.
6.12 Learners cannot apply for the recognition of prior non-degree studies and work experience as optional subjects.
6.13 In justified cases, the Head of the Office of Academic Affairs can forward the committee an application for the assessment of prior degree studies.
6.14 In order to have their prior studies and work experience recognised, learners must submit a duly prepared application to the Office of Academic Affairs between 20 August and 15 May. The application must include documented proof of the studies and the work experience and the payment confirmation of the application processing fee The Office of Academic Affairs forwards the application with the added documents to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, who will organise the respective assessment.
6.15 The committee has the right to request that the applicant submit written explanations with regard to the studies completed and knowledge, skills and competences acquired. The committee can organise a test of the applicant’s knowledge and skills where necessary, by informing the applicant of the procedure beforehand.
6.16 The committee makes a due decision on the recognition of studies and work experience within 30 calendar days of submitting the application. On the basis of the decision, a record for recognising subjects is prepared, which is approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
6.17 The fees for recognising prior learning and work experience are established by the decision of the SA Estonian Business School.