>  Academic regulations  >  10. Unethical behaviour

10. Unethical behaviour

10.1 The following are treated as cases of unethical behaviour:
a) a considerable violation of generally recognised behaviour norms or academic traditions
b) forgery of documents
c) intentional submission of false data in assignments and/or applications
d) damaging the reputation of EBS, incl. giving unjustified negative value assessments on EBS
e) mediating study opportunities or services offered by EBS or preparing and distributing materials introducing the university or engaging in other activities that cause the university material or reputational damage without the consent of EBS and for the purposes of a person’s own financial gain.
10.2 Sanctions applied in the case of unethical behaviour are:
a) a warning
b) a reprimand
c) exmatriculation
10.3 The person who discovers a case of unethical behaviour must inform the Head of the Office of Academic Affairs, who will make a preliminary decision on the sanction to be applied and inform the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs thereof.
10.4 Sanctions imposed in the case of unethical behaviour are recorded in the learner’s EBS database.
10.5 The imposed sanctions depend on the extent and nature of the act of unethical behaviour and the existence of past offences.
10.6 A student is exmatriculated due to unethical behaviour in case of:
a) being convicted as a student in the court for an intentionally committed crime
b) having forged documents.
10.7 Exmatriculation is approved by the Rector.
10.8 Learners have the right to dispute their punishment in writing within ten working days of the imposition of the punishment by submitting their appeal to the Head of the Office of Academic Affairs, who will form a committee in order to resolve it. A decision on whether the appeal is justified is made within 14 days. If the appeal is justified, the smaller punishment imposed (warning) is deleted from the database. Other imposed punishments are either waived or amended.
10.9 Any disputes related to unethical behaviour are resolved by the Ethics Committee of the EBS Senate.