>  Academic regulations  >  9. Academic fraud

9. Academic fraud

9.1 Academic fraud is:
a) in an assessment of learning outcomes, the use of any materials that the lecturer has not explicitly permitted the students to use
b) forbidden exchange of information (sharing answers, copying, etc.) between learners whose learning outcomes are being assessed
c) taking a test for another learner or allowing another person to take a test in your name
d) submitting someone else’s written work under your own name or using parts of it without proper academic referencing
e) plagiarism, i.e., extensive paraphrasing, referencing or citation of another person’s work without using proper referencing
f) resubmitting your own work if you have already received credits for it (self-plagiarism), except if the lecturer permits it
9.2 Cheating, using forbidden aids during a test, plagiarism and self-plagiarism automatically results in an “F”. Additional punishment measures are considered in the above cases on an individual basis.
9.3 Sanctions applied in the case of academic fraud related to ongoing studies are:
a) a warning
b) lowering the grade
c) additional assignments
d) “F” as the final grade for the subject
e) exmatriculation
9.4 Sanctions applied in the case of academic fraud related to a final thesis or a final exam are:
a) a warning
b) exmatriculation
9.5 The decision on lowering a grade, giving “0” for a test, a midterm examination or a home assignment or giving extra assignments is solely made by the EBS lecturer.
9.6 Giving an “F” for a subject or proposing to exmatriculate the student requires the approval of the Head of the Office of Academic Affairs.
9.7 Sanctions imposed in the case of academic fraud are recorded in the learner’s EBS database.
9.8 Students are exmatriculated due to academic fraud if they have repeatedly committed acts of academic fraud during their ongoing studies.
9.9 Exmatriculation is approved by the Rector.
9.10 Learners have the right to dispute their punishment in writing within ten working days of the imposition of the punishment by submitting their appeal to the Head of the Office of Academic Affairs, who will form a committee in order to resolve it. A decision on whether the appeal is justified is made within 14 days. If the appeal is justified, the smaller punishment imposed is deleted from the database. Other imposed punishments are either waived or amended.
9.11 Any disputes related to academic fraud are resolved by the Ethics Committee of the EBS Senate.