Tuition fee
EBS Tuition Fee While Studying Abroad
EBS offers a discount of 20% on tuition fee (30 ECTS) to encourage students to study abroad.
Students going to study abroad have the possibility to settle the tuition fee as a single payment or in two instalments. Students choosing the single payment receive the Erasmus+ scholarship at once. If you choose to pay the fee in two instalments, you will receive the Erasmus+ scholarship accordingly. The tuition fee for daytime students also applies to distance and evening students since students going to study abroad instantly become full-time students. Student must pass a minimum of 15 ECTS each exchange semester, recommended amount of credits it 30.
The exchange student pays the tuition fee only to EBS, unless they will study abroad as a free mover student. In the framework of the Erasmus+ program receiving university cannot charge the student another tuition fee or any other additional fees for courses, registration, exams etc. They can, however, charge for study materials and student union membership.