7. Internship
7.1 The specific content and organisation of internship is described in the respective internship instructions. The Office of Academic Affairs organises an information hour before the commencement of internship
7.2 Learners select the place of internship themselves based on the objectives of the specific internship.
7.3 If requested, the Office of Academic Affairs issues a letter introducing the objectives and organisation of the internship to the organisation and a request to accept the learner as an intern and allow them to get acquainted with information concerning the organisation.
7.4 The results of the internship are presented in a report and submitted by 1 October or as agreed in the internship. The volume of the report is established with the internship instructions.
7.5 The reports are submitted to the e-learning platform Canvas.
7.6 The internship defence date will be set at the latest 2 weeks after submitting the internship report. During the defence of the report, the defence committee has the right to ask specifying questions and give additional tasks if necessary.
7.7 General grading scale of EBS is used in assessment of internship. The defences of internship reports generally end by 1 November.