>  International experiences  >  Internship abroad  >  Erasmus+ Traineeship

Erasmus+ Traineeship

NB! Students can apply to an Erasmus+ traineeship without deadline.


EBS students can go abroad to do their traineeship in EU countries and other European countries that have joined the Erasmus+ programme.
Traineeship can be between 2-12 months and it must match the student’s study programme in EBS. For the traineeship period, students can apply for Erasmus+ grant.


Host organization or company for student’s traineeship may be enterprise, training centre, research centre or other organizations including higher education institutions in one of the 32 participating European countries. Excluded are European Union institutions and other EU bodies, organisations that manage EU programmes.


EBS encourages students to also do traineeships which are aimed at enhancing ‘deep-tech’ skills such as cybersecurity, big data, quantum computing or artificial intelligence, as well as web and graphic design, digital marketing, software development, and coding. Digital skills are becoming integral to the requirements of many modern job roles. You can acquire the digital skills and competences you need to thrive in today’s digital economy.


When going abroad for a traineeship, consider the following requirements:

If you are a bachelor student:

– make sure you have no tuition fee debts

– your grade point average is not lower than 3.0

– your English language grade is not lower than C

– before going to study abroad, you will have to have studied at EBS for at least one year

If you are a master student:

– make sure you have no study debts

– your grade point average is not lower than 3.0

– your English language grade is not lower than C

– before going to study abroad, you will have to have studied at EBS for at least one semester


1. Read about EBS traineeships here: https://students.ebs.ee/studies/internships/.

2. Make sure traineeship is part of your study program in EBS, meaning it is mandatory for you and will be on your diploma. Talk to your EBS study consultant about wanting to do your traineeship and how it can be added to your declaration.

3. Start looking for a place to do your traineeship Erasmusintern.org or contact companies directly.

4. Fill out EBS traineeship exchange application. With your application please also send in your:                    – English language certificate. English language requirements are:
TOEFL iBT minimum score of 87
IELTS Academic (International English Language Testing Service) minimum 5.5
Cambridge test – FCE or CAE
University language certificate stating the minimum level of B2

5. Fill out Letter of Acceptance, have it signed at the organization, where you want to do your traineeship.

Send by email your application (step 4) and signed Letter of Acceptance (step 5) to Ms Ellika Eero ellika.eero@ebs.ee.

Once your application has been accepted you will receive an email with all the necessary information about the next steps.


Erasmusintern.org is a non-for-profit web platform that provides an integrated marketplace that aims to bring together internationally-minded traineeship providers and individuals seeking an traineeship opportunity abroad.

Erasmusintern.org gives students the opportunity to create their profiles and add their key competences such as Education and Training information, their language knowledge and their skills and interests. Students can search for traineeships by keywords and refine their search until they find and offer that matches their demands. Companies and Organisations can publish their traineeship offers and search for trainees. If they find a trainee that they think is suitable for their traineeship they can be in direct contact.