>  Studies  >  Feedback to courses and lecturers  >  Spring semester 2023 results

Spring semester 2023 results

We would like to thank all the students who took the time to respond to the course evaluations questionnaires.

We especially thank those who offered insights by adding comments, thus providing substantive feedback on both development areas and successes. The students’ feedback was shared with EBS management, Heads of the study levels and Heads of the programmes. Your input is invaluable as we continue to develop our courses and study programmes.

In case you have any questions regarding the course evaluations and feedback please contact Head of Student Experience Liina Reimann (liina.reimann@ebs.ee)

Spring 2023 general results

The EBS course evaluations score over all programmes has also slightly increased to 6.26 out of 7.0.

The average response rate from last academic year has increased to 28,90%. We are happy to see that average response rate of course-end questionnaires is now close to 30%. However, we hope to see increase of response rate over all study levels in the future.

Focus groups 2023

To gather additional feedback on the study programmes, learning experience and organisation of studies, we organised focus groups amongst bachelor’s and master’s students. As focus groups meetings were organised for each programme cohort, it allowed us to take more in-depth look to each study group and their experience at EBS.

Many important insights and ideas were gathered for programme development. Focus groups were organised in cooperation with the Head of the Programme and Head of Study Level. Feedback shared by students is taken into account while planning for your study activities in the following semesters.

Total of 43 students participated in bachelor level focus groups, 10 focus groups in total + feedback event for graduates​.

Total of 25 students participated in master level focus groups.

Overview of bachelor programmes

The average response rate on bachelor’s level was 25,36%.

Below you can find the scores for each bachelor’s programme together with the response from Head of the Programme and Head of Study level.

The Entrepreneurship & Business Administration programme received the highest score in Spring semester 2023 6.32 out of 7. 

The International Business Admistration programme received the score of 6.11 out of 7. 

The Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era programme (IntBEB) scored 5.64 out of 7.

Ettevõtlus ja ärijuhtimine

Head Ettevõtluse ja ärijuhtimise õppekava üliõpilased!

Täname teid kevadsemestri kursustele antud tagasiside eest! Kõigi kursuste keskmine tagasisidehinne 6,3 (7-palli skaalal) peegeldab kõrget üldist rahuolu õppekavaga.

Enim pälvisid tunnustust õppejõud, kes lisaks väljapaistvatele erialateadmistele loovad auditooriumis positiivse õhkkonna, esitavad õppetöös elulisi väljakutseid, annavad arendavat tagasisidet ning innustavad edasi õppima. Keskmisest madalama tagasisidehinde pälvinud kursuste puhul tõid üliõpilased välja eelkõige vajakajäämisi kursuse ülesehituses ja õppematerjalide kvaliteedis ning ainevaldkondade seostatuses. Nimetati ka õppejõu ebakohase suhtlemisstiili valikut.

Märkasime, et õppejõud võib tihtipeale pälvida sama õppegrupi üliõpilastelt väga erinevaid tagasisidehindeid, mistõttu viisime probleemide täpsemaks tuvastamiseks üliõpilastega läbi fookusgrupi intervjuud. Oleme tunnustanud paremaid õppejõude ning leppinud õppejõududega kokku asjakohastes parendustegevustes.

Õppekava arendustegevuste käigus suurendame spetsialiseerumissuundade mahtu, täpsustame iga semestri fookusteemad ning pöörame tähelepanu õppeainete parema seostatuse ja hindamise läbipaistvuse tagamisele. Kaasajastame õppeainete valikut, lisades valikainete hulka enam rahandus- ja ingliskeelseid aineid. Samuti lisandub õppekavasse kursuseid, mis toetavad tudengi isiklikku ja professionaalset arengut nii õppija, juhi kui ka ettevõtjana.Ilusat suvepuhkust soovides!

Anto Liivat
Bakalaureuseõppe juht

Katri Kerem
Ettevõtluse ja ärijuhtimise bakalaureuseōppekava kuraator

International Business Administration

Dear International Business Administration programme students,

Thank you for the feedback given! The average feedback score on the intBBA programme has risen from 5.67 in autumn 2022 to 6.11 in spring 2023. Several former issues of concern have been solved in the new version of the programme (starting from cohort 2022). In particular, first-year students have highlighted good cohesion between different courses. Students of all years appreciate interactive discussions and presentations, group assignments, case studies, simulations, real-life examples, company visits and guest lecturers.

For courses that received a lower than average feedback score, the students primarily pointed out deficiencies in the structure of the course, the quality of study materials and transparency of assessment. They also mentioned instances of the professor’s inappropriate choice of communication style. We have agreed on specific improvement actions with the respective lecturers.

In 2022/23 we introduced focus group interviews that were conducted in winter and in spring both in Tallinn and in Helsinki. Such interviews provide valuable qualitative feedback and enable us to deal fast with areas of concern. Students have suggested stricter measures for fighting absenteeism. However, participation should not be graded based on just attendance but on classroom tasks, active participation in discussions, etc.

To ensure that students would have a better understanding on how they are working towards achieving the course objective, we are working on aligning all graded course assignments more explicitly with the intended learning outcomes. To prepare students better for writing their theses, they will be introduced to topics of academic writing and referencing consistently from earlier on.

The use of appropriate style and professional language will be assessed more systematically throughout all courses.

You all worked hard in the past few months. May the summer vacation bring you lots of energy and joy!

Anto Liivat

Head of Bachelor’s studies

Aet Toots

Head of International Business Administration programme

Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era

Dear Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era students,

Thank you for the feedback given! We are delighted to learn about the positive aspects of the program that you have pointed out, such as the supportive study environment, inspiring lecturers and guest speakers, working with start-ups, motivational one-to-one meetings, and the value of peer interactions and self-reflection.

The points raised on teaching methods, including a repetition of content, a reduction in slide-based extensive lecturing and an increase in interactive team activities, are well noted. The concerns you raised about students’ attendance and punctuality are acknowledged. We understand the need for fostering a community where respect for others’ time is paramount. We will work with you towards introducing measures to address this issue.

We will also aim to incorporate more leadership and (social media) marketing aspects into our program, along with an increase in field trips to provide a more comprehensive exposure to the industry.

Lastly, we understand the value of fostering a vibrant community; thus, more class parties and community-building activities will be considered to promote bonding and a sense of camaraderie among students. EBS Student Council is also waiting for your suggestions about events and activities.

You all worked hard in the past few months. May the summer vacation bring you lots of energy and joy!

Anto Liivat Marge Täks

Head of Bachelor’s studies Head of Entrepreneurship in the
Digital Era programme

Overview of master programmes

The average response rate on master’s level was 36%. Response rates are highest amongst MBA groups.

The highest average scores over all the feedback questions received for MBA programme microdegree courses (MBA: 6.58 out of 7).

The average scores of all master’s programmes have improved from the previous semester’s feedback round (MBA core → 6.49, Microdegeers → 6.58 , MA → 6.04)

Course evaluation questionnaires

Course start

  • How would you rate your learning experience until now?
  • Open comment field

Course end

  • Q1 value: This course was valuable as it helps you achieve your professional goals
  • Q2 hours: “Course name” consisted of “hours Contact h” of lectures/seminars/webinars. Please estimate how many hours did you spend on this course in total?
  • Q3 course design: Please rate the quality of the course design
  • Q4 course delivery: The learning outcomes and the organisation of work: assignments, course materials and assessment criteria
  • Q5 atmosphere: Please rate the classroom atmosphere created by “lecturer”. How comfortable did you feel asking questions/making mistakes/ proposing changes, and disagreeing with the lecturer?
  • Q6 lecturer’s attitude: Please rate lecturer’s “lecturer’s” attitude towards teaching. Whether the lecturer was professional, easily accessible and committed to making sure the students achieve the learning outcomes of the course
  • Q7 feedback by lecturer:
  • Please rate the relevance of the feedback provided by “lecturer’s name”. Whether the feedback you received, either verbal or written, helps you improve your performance and inspires you to think further
  • Open comments field