Kursuste tagasiside tulemused 2021/2022
We would like to thank all the students who took the time to respond to the course evaluations questionnaires.
We especially thank those who offered insights by adding comments, thus providing substantive feedback on both development areas and successes.
The students’ feedback was shared with EBS management, Heads of the study levels and departments. Your input is invaluable as we continue to develop our courses and study programmes.
- How would you rate your learning experience until now?
- Open comment field
- Q1 value: This course was valuable as it helps you achieve your professional goals
- Q2 hours: “Course name” consisted of “hours Contact h” of lectures/seminars/webinars. Please estimate how many hours did you spend on this course in total?
- Q3 course design: Please rate the quality of the course design
- Q4 course delivery: The learning outcomes and the organisation of work: assignments, course materials and assessment criteria
- Q5 atmosphere: Please rate the classroom atmosphere created by “lecturer”. How comfortable did you feel asking questions/making mistakes/ proposing changes, and disagreeing with the lecturer?
- Q6 lecturer’s attitude: Please rate lecturer’s “lecturer’s” attitude towards teaching. Whether the lecturer was professional, easily accessible and committed to making sure the students achieve the learning outcomes of the course
- Q7 feedback by lecturer:
- Please rate the relevance of the feedback provided by “lecturer’s name”. Whether the feedback you received, either verbal or written, helps you improve your performance and inspires you to think further
- Open comments field
Overview of bachelor programmes
The average response rate on bachelor’s level was 33%,
The Entrepreneurship & Business Administration programme received the highest score in 2021/2022 (BEB: 6.33 out of 7).
The Entrepreneurship and Business Administration programme (BEB) score has been continuously improving starting from autumn semester 2019.
The Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era programme (IntBEB) scored 6.2 out of 7 and the International Business Administration programme (IntBBA) score 5.6 out of 7.

Overview of master programmes
The average response rate on master’s level was 39,93%. Response rates are highest amongst MBA groups.
The highest average scores over all the feedback questions received for MBA programme core courses courses (MBA: 6.12).
The average scores of all master’s programmes have improved from the previous semester’s feedback round (MBA core → 6.12, Nanodegrees → 5.86, KK (joined curriculum with EMTA) → 6.35)