Office of Academic Affairs
The Office of Academic Affairs and Career Services aims to help students to adapt to university life and to introduce to international students Estonian culture. We are here to help with academic and personal issues the students might face during their studies.
The Office of Academic Affairs is the advisory service for the students: study consultants counsel bachelor, master’s and doctoral students in their selection of curricula and subjects; the admission process and administers the study information systems and issues graduation documents.
Study consultant advises students on several issues related to their studies, from admission until graduation:
• planning your studies, compiling an individual study plan
• choosing specialization or elective courses
• possibility to recognize prior learning (incl. continuing education) and professional work experience for completing the programme (APEL)
• internship
• paying the tuition fee
• taking an academic leave, or coming back from the leave
• going to study abroad
• graduation process and choosing a topic or a supervisor
• choosing foreign language courses (Ms Kersti Lundver)
• continuing studies in EBS master or doctoral level
Additionally, study secretaries in the Academic Affairs Office help if you need certificates concerning studies at the university, transcript of records, several application forms (academic leave, study allowances etc.).
The best way to get study-related information for the chosen courses is via Canvas announcements (the courses students have chosen for the current semester and for that all students should redirect the announcements to their e-mail addresses.
The Office of Academic Affairs is open on workdays from 9:00 a.m. to 17:30 p.m.
You can find the contacts of the study department here